University Of Birmingham
LM Data Mining and Machine Learning
04 30058
Iowa State Course Substitution
Technical Elective
Course Info
International Credits:
Converted Credits:
United Kingdom
Course Description:
By the end of the module students should be able to:
- Construct a basic text-based search engine, including: Text normalization; Implementation of a Document Index; Calculation of Term‐Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency similarity between queries and documents.
- Understand the basic principle of Latent Semantic Analysis.
- Implement maximum likelihood estimation of Gaussian PDF and Gaussian Mixture PDF parameters for a given data set.
- Understand the basic principle of Principle Components Analysis.
- Understand and apply agglomerative, divisive and k-means clustering algorithms.
- Understand the basic principles of Neural networks.
- Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of hidden Markov models (HMMs) for modelling time-varying data.
- Demonstrate an understanding of employment of HMMs for automatic speech recognition.
- Explain the basic principles of human speech production and perception and use the language of elementary phonetics.
- Understand basic spectral and spectro-temporal analysis of time-varying data.
- Develop an HMM-based speech recognition system using available software tools.
- Evaluated Date:
- December 12, 2019
- Evaluated:
- Nathan Neihart
- Expiration Date:
- December 12, 2024