University of Otago

Fantasies, Phobias and Families in Graeco-Roman Myth


Iowa State Course Substitution

General Education Elective


Course Info

International Credits: 18.0
Converted Credits: 5.0
Country: New Zealand
Language: English
Course Description:

Examines mythic figures from a psychological perspective and their role as models for positive and negative social relationships.

Graeco-Roman myth is full of sinister themes, tragic choices and reprehensible actions. Oedipus killed his father and married his mother; Atreus fed his own sons to Thyestes; and Romulus slew his brother Remus to found Rome. This paper explores the darker side of Graeco-Roman myth through some of the great literary works written by Virgil, Ovid and Seneca.


Evaluated Date:
November 18, 2024
Ossama Abdelkhalik
Expiration Date:
November 18, 2029