Glasgow Caledonian University

Analogue and Digital Electronics


Iowa State Course Substitution

Electrical Circuits and Systems

EE 2300

Course Info

International Credits: 10.0
Converted Credits: 6.0
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Course Description:

The aim of this module is to provide students with a strong foundation and understanding of the concepts and principles of analogue and digital electronics, and apply these principles to solve engineering problems required for initial design activities. The analogue electronics section provides the student with the basic knowledge of discrete semiconductor devices, their application, the operational amplifier (op-amp) and the common op-amp circuit configurations found in realisable signal interface and conditioning solutions. The digital electronics section investigates a wide range of combinational and sequential logic functions and circuits that are realisable in both discrete and programmable devices. It provides the student with the fundamental knowledge of digital circuits and logic analysis and synthesis on FPGA platforms


Evaluated Date:
March 22, 2023
Nathan Neihart
Expiration Date:
March 22, 2028