University Of Limerick

Engineering Mechanics 2


Iowa State Course Substitution

Engineering Dynamics

ME 3450

Course Info

International Credits: 6.0
Converted Credits: 3.5
Country: Ireland
Language: English
Course Description:
The overall objective of the course is to enable students to apply Newtons Laws of Motion (in particular the second law) to objects in motion with non-zero acceleration. The course thus goes beyond the topic of statics, which was examined in Engineering Mechanics 1 (ME4111), and analyses the kinematics of bodies in motion, the rules used to describe the motion of bodies in space, and the kinetics, which relates the motion of bodies to the forces which give rise to the motion. The study of accelerating bodies is often referred to as Dynamics, as opposed to the study of bodies in equilibrium, which is referred to as Statics.


Evaluated Date:
June 18, 2023
Paul Schafbuch
Expiration Date:
June 18, 2028