Nanyang Technological University

Computer-aided Engineering


Iowa State Course Substitution

Technical Elective, Cat B or C


Course Info

International Credits: 3.0
Converted Credits: 3.0
Country: Singapore
Language: English
Special Notes:

This is not suitable for Aer E Technical Elective A. 

Course Description:

Computers play a significant role in an engineer’s life and work today. The objective of this course is to provide you with a good understanding of the principles and theories of software and hardware used by mechanical engineers today. They include computer tools for design, analysis and manufacturing. A project is incorporated into the course to give you practical experience in using some of these tools, and learn how their integration improves the quality and productivity of an engineer’s work. It should be stressed that this course does not focus on proficiency in using a tool, but the understanding behind the workings of the tools and the integration of these tools to form a powerful engineering system.


Evaluated Date:
November 14, 2022
Ossama Abdelkhalik
Expiration Date:
November 14, 2027