Nanyang Technological University

Aircraft Propulsion


Iowa State Course Substitution

Aerospace Vehicle Propulsion

AERE 4110

Course Info

International Credits: 3.0
Converted Credits: 3.0
Country: Singapore
Language: English
Course Description:

The subject is designed to cover the basics and engineering principles applied to gas turbine
engines and aircraft propulsion. The knowledge gained will enable you to know the major
constructional features of gas turbine engines and to understand the important functional
relationship of the major engine components, and to comprehend introductory theories of
combustion, chemical kinetics, and equilibrium chemistry. As a result, you will be able to
appreciate the design and operation of different types of aircraft engines. The knowledge
acquired will also provide the essential foundation for you to understand and assess the
performance of aircraft engines, leading to capability to diagnosis of operational conditions and
monitoring of engine health. An introduction to analyse other propulsion systems, such as
reciprocating engines, (sc)ramjets, and rockets, will also be included.


Evaluated Date:
December 21, 2022
Shahram Pouya
Expiration Date:
December 21, 2027