University Of Newcastle

Calculus Of Science And Engineering


Iowa State Course Substitution

Calculus III

MATH 2650

Course Info

International Credits: 10.0
Converted Credits: 4.0
Country: Australia
Language: English
Course Description:

Provides the essential mathematical techniques of Physical Science and Engineering. These are the methods of Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations. Multivariable Calculus involves a study of the differential and integral calculus of functions of two or more variables. In particular it covers introductory material on the differential calculus of scalar and vector fields, and the integral calculus of scalar and vector functions. Differential Equations arise from mathematical model of physical processes. Also includes the study of the main analytical and numerical methods for obtaining solutions to first
and second order differential equations.


Evaluated Date:
November 7, 2022
Kris Lee
Expiration Date:
November 7, 2027