University Of Limerick
Thermodynamics 2
Iowa State Course Substitution
Engineering Thermodynamics II
ME 3320
Course Info
International Credits:
Converted Credits:
Course Description:
Module Code - Title:
Year Last Offered:
Hours Per Week
Grading Type:
Prerequisite Modules:
Rationale and Purpose of the Module:
To provide an understanding of the mode of operation for actual heat pump and
refrigeration systems and to analyse their performance characteristics.
To provide an understanding of the mode of operation of Rankine, superheat, reheat
and regenerative steam power cycles and to analyse their performance
To analyse the power output characteristics of pure impulse turbines and impulsereaction
axial flow turbines. To relate the performance and characteristics of the
latter to steam enthalpy change in multi-stage operation.
To analyse the power input requirements, volumetric efficiency and heat loss
characteristics for single stage and multi-stage compressors.
To provide an understanding of the mode of operation for actual 2-stroke and 4-
stroke spark ignition and compression ignition engines and to analyse their
performance characteristics with reference to mean effective pressure, indicated
power, brake power, specific fuel consumption, volumetric efficiency, thermal
Axial and Radial Flow Turbines and Compressors.
Reciprocating expanders and compressors.
Vapour Power Cycles.
Gas Turbine Cycles.
Performance of Internal Combustion Engines.
Learning Outcomes:
Lecture Lab Tutorial Other Private Credits
3 0.83 0.83 0 4 6
Cognitive (Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Synthesis)
Using appropriate refrigerant charts and tables of properties, analyse refrigeration
and heat pump cycles to estimate refrigeration effect, compressor work, heat rejected
and coefficient of performance for a range of systems including 2-stage industrial
refrigeration systems.
Using both tables of thermodynamic properties the entropy-enthalpy chart for steam
analyse the efficiencies of Rankine, superheat, reheat and regenerative cycles, and
specify salient state points and performance parameters.
Recognise the mode of operation of real reciprocating Internal Combustion engines as
opposed to Otto, diesel and dual air standard cycles, and determine performance
characteristics for reciprocating internal combustion engines.
Given preferred delivery conditions specify power requirements and cylinder
dimensions and efficiencies for single- and multi- stage reciprocating compressors;
and derive intermediate pressures and energy balance for multi-stage compressors.
Describe the fundamental basis for mechanical power generation in impulse and
impulse-reaction turbines, and given input and output velocity and geometric criteria
generate velocity triangles and use these and the entropy-enthalpy chart for steam to
determine power output, efficiencies and reheat factor for multi-stage impulsereaction
Affective (Attitudes and Values)
Improve understanding of thermodynamics as it applies to practical engineering,
especially in the power industry.
Psychomotor (Physical Skills)
Experimental evaluation of coefficients of performance for a combined heat pump and
Performance evaluation of a Rankine cycle steam plant.
Experimental determination of performance characteristics for a diesel engine.
Visit to Money Point
How the Module will be Taught and what will be the Learning Experiences of the
Student's will be taught through lecturing backed up by tutorials and laboratory work.
Research Findings Incorporated in to the Syllabus (If Relevant):
Prime Texts:
Eastop, T. D. and McConkey, A. (1993) Applied Thermodynamics, Longman Scientific
and Technical
Rogers, G.F.C. and Mayhew, Y.R (1996) Engineering Thermodynamics: Work and
Heat Transfer 4th Edition, Pearson Education
Rogers, G.F.C. and Mayhew, Y.R. (1995) Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of
Fluids 5th Ed., Blackwell Publishing
Other Texts:
Duncan, W. J., Thom, A.S., and Young, A.D. (1970) Mechanics of Fluids, Edward
Black, W.Z., & Hartley, J.G. (1991) Thermodynamics, Harper Collins
Semester - Year to be First Offered:
Spring - 09/10
Module Leader:
- Evaluated Date:
- January 8, 2025
- Evaluated:
- Xinwei Wang
- Expiration Date:
- January 8, 2030