Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Christianity and World Religions


Iowa State Course Substitution

World Religions

RELIG 2050

Course Info

International Credits: 6.0
Converted Credits: 3.5
Country: Spain
Language: English
Course Description:

Course overview
The principal goal of this course is to help the students become acquainted with the basic lines
of Christianity and World Religions. Topics will include a Christian Catholic Worldview: Creation,
Incarnation, Redemption, Social Ethics. Specifically, the course will consider various
contemporary trends such as peace and justice, internationalism, Vatican II statements, women
in the church.
The course also exploresthe roots of differentreligions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.
The course includes time in class, tutorial time and on‐site visits to temples and mosques, as
well as independent research.


Evaluated Date:
April 28, 2021
Cullen Padgett-Walsh
Expiration Date:
April 27, 2026