Nirma University

Object Oriented Programming


Iowa State Course Substitution

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

COMS 2270

Course Info

International Credits: 4.0
Converted Credits: 4.0
Country: India
Language: English
Course Description:

Overview of Java: Features of Java, byte code, Java Development Kit (JDK), Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Introduction to three OOP principles (Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation), Introduction to classes and methods
Data Types, Variables and Operators in Java: Arrays: One dimensional array, multi-dimensional array, alternative array declaration statements. Control Statements like Selection statements (i.e if, switch etc.), iteration statements (i.e while, do while, the for-each version of the for Loop, Nested Loops etc.), jump statements (i.e break, continue)
Classes and Methods: class fundamentals, objects, assigning object reference variables, methods in class, constructors, this keyword, garbage collection, finalize () method, overloading methods, argument passing, access control, static, final, nested and inner classes, command line arguments, variable-length arguments. String Handling: Basics of String handling in Java, String class methods, String Buffer Class methods Inheritances: Basics, member access and inheritance, super class references, using super, multilevel hierarchy, constructor call sequence, method overriding, dynamic method dispatch, abstract classes, Object class Packages and Interfaces: defining a package, finding packages and CLASSPATH, access protection, importing packages, interfaces (defining, implementation, nesting, applying), variables in interfaces, extending interfaces, instance of operator
Exception Handling: fundamental, exception types, uncaught exceptions, try, catch, throw, throws, finally, multiple catch clauses, nested try statements, built-in exceptions, custom exceptions (creating your own exception sub classes).
Multithreading and I/O: Multithreaded Programming: Java thread model, thread priorities, synchronization, messaging, Thread class, Runnable interfaces, creating a thread(s), Thread class methods, Synchronization, Inter thread Communication, volatile operators. Managing I/O: Streams, Byte Streams and Character Streams, Predefined Streams, reading console Input, Writing Console Output, PrintWriter class, File management classes


Evaluated Date:
January 23, 2024
COM S Curriculum Committee
Expiration Date:
January 23, 2029