Swansea University

Understanding and Managing Criminal Behavior


Iowa State Course Substitution


CJ 2420

Course Info

International Credits: 10.0
Converted Credits: 3.0
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Course Description:

For any reasonably complete understanding of criminal behaviour, different levels of explanation should be
considered. For this reason, the module will first explore how broad psychologically driven theories aid our
understanding of the nature of criminal behaviour. It will then explore whether criminal behaviour and mental
disorder is synonymous, connected, or just coincidental phenomena. Specifically, the complex relationship between
mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia, depression) and criminal behaviour, as well the potential role of psychopathic
disorder in understanding antisocial and violent behaviour, will be examined.


Evaluated Date:
July 6, 2022
Leana Bouffard
Expiration Date:
July 6, 2027