Politecnico di Torino

Future of Work


Iowa State Course Substitution

Open Elective


Course Info

International Credits: 6.0
Converted Credits: 6.0
Country: Italy
Language: English
Course Description:

Technology always plays a key role in the great challenges that are currently facing humanity. Talking about digital, energy, mobility, climate, health, or humanity in general, technology is mostly at the core. However, nowadays challenges cannot be reduced to mere technical data, either analyzing or designing possible solutions. To comprehend and face them successfully, all forms of knowledge are essential, from the techno-scientific field to the human, social and artistic ones. The “Big Challenges” courses are an opportunity to examine with an interdisciplinary lens relevant topics concerning humanity, focusing on technology and its key role in human living. In this framework, all the courses will address the UN Sustainable Development Goals, a global initiative aimed at renewing local and international policy. Each new wave of technological innovation radically transforms the world of work: new occupations emerge while others become obsolete. The organization of both work and workplaces change following transformations in the production processes of goods and services. The new wave of innovation and the diffusion of its technologies have been defined as the *4\ th Industrial Revolution*. What exactly is happening today? And what may happen in the near future? Who are the winners and losers of technological transitions? Which inequalities between individuals, professions, genders, and territories are likely to be brought about by such a technological change? Which ones may be reduced by it? The course shows how the world of work is transforming and, in part, has already transformed, due to the recent technological advances, such as the widespread use of Artificial Intelligence, also referencing the trends that may have emerged after the pandemic.


Evaluated Date:
September 13, 2023
Jason Follett
Expiration Date:
September 13, 2028