Politecnico di Torino

Fundamentals of Machine Design


Iowa State Course Substitution

Mechanical Component Design

ME 3250

Course Info

International Credits: 8.0
Converted Credits: 5.0
Country: Italy
Language: English
Course Description:

The aim of the subject is to provide the skills and knowledge necessary for the design and verification of mechanical elements, using both traditional and numerical methods . The topics covered are: - integration of structural mechanics (residual stress, variable amplitude fatigue and basic multi-axial fatigue; - principles and procedures for design and verification of some of the major elements of machines and joints (axes and shafts, axial symmetric solids, hub-shaft connections, bearings, springs, threaded fasteners and bolts, welded joints)


Evaluated Date:
December 13, 2021
Christian Schwartz
Expiration Date:
December 13, 2026